25 questions / Professional Growth Negotiation and Persuasion Complex Relationships Decision-making Conflict Resolution
25 questions / Phrasal Verbs Abstract Nouns Idioms Synonyms Collocations
25 questions / Présent Simple ou BE+ING Passé Simple ou BE + ING Présent, Passé, Futur? Time markers Irregular verbs
25 questions / Parts of Speech Subject v Object Irregular Verbs, Commas/Colon/Semicolon Clauses & Conjunctions Pronouns/Who vs. Whom
25 questions / Irregular Past Tense Irregular Future Tense Regular Past Tense Regular Future Tense Verbs after "it/she/he"
20 questions / Translate from French to English:words Translate from English to French: words Translate French to English: Phrases Verbs
25 questions / Imperfect Personal Endings Irregular Verbs "esse" and "posse" Vocabulary Translating L to E Translating E to L
25 questions / Find the verb tense Correct sentences Write the correct verb tense Time expressions with verbs continious tenses
25 questions / Stages of life Life events phrasal verbs used to/get used to plural form of the nouns
25 questions / Idioms and expressions Conditionals Phrasal verbs Relative Clauses with whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, however, and whatever Vocabulary
25 questions / What kind of volunteering? Vocabulary with prepositions Word grab 1 Word grab 2 Random (idioms/phrasal verbs)
25 questions / Wrong Spelling Words that sounds the same "Fill in the blank" (Phrasal Verbs) Usage Bonus Spelling Words
25 questions / Food for the Holiday Cooking verbs Fruits/Vegetables Food from Around the World Fast Food and Drink
25 questions / Vocabulary Complete the sentences: Comparatives / Superlatives Correct the sentences: Comparatives / Superlatives Rephrasing: too / enough Collocations / Phrasal Verbs
25 questions / Parts of Speech Dependent or Independent Clauses Punctuation Who-Whom/Subject and Object Irregular verbs/ misused words
25 questions / Different Uses of Present Tenses Clothing Collocations Substitutions Omissions Correct Verb Forms
25 questions / G. Habitual Past S. Definitions G. Future Predictions S. Synonyms, antonyms, and analogies G. Perfect and Past Forms
25 questions / Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Mix
25 questions / Past Continuous Past Simple vs. Past Continuous Present Perfect Simple Past Simple vs. Present Perfect Past simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect
25 questions / Tenses Vocabulary Miscellaneous Stupid questions Mystery box
25 questions / Back in Action! (Verbs) "B" Your Best Love is in the Air! Money, Money, Money! Mind Games
25 questions / Match the words, be, have and work Match the words, be, have and work Name the tense Finish the sentences Explain theses phrasal verbs
25 questions / 3.1 Vocabulario ¿Qué llevas? El Pretérito (-AR) Pt. 1 -CAR -GAR / -ZAR El Pretérito (-AR) Pt. 2
30 questions / Write it Right Words Matter Not Literally Climb Every Mountain When Will We Ever Use This?
25 questions / Habits and Routines Productive Day Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Random
25 questions / Standards Assessments Guiding Questions/Big Ideas/4 Ts Lessons Frog Facts
25 questions / Name 10 Book Search Grammar Genius Answer the question Guess the word
25 questions / Conditionals Subjunctives Types of Sentences/mood Subject-Verb Agreement Verb Tenses
25 questions / Regular verbs Irregular verbs Questions Signal words Find the error
25 questions / Parts of Speech Clauses and Phrases Sentence Types Word of the Day Word of the Day
25 questions / Dialogue Plot Elements Adverbs Types of Characters Conflict
25 questions / Days Numbers Verbs Contractions Months
25 questions / CD Style (A) Best Practice CD Style/Best Practice Who's Who Fun Facts
25 questions / Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation Readings Random
25 questions / e > ie e > i o > ue u > ue Challenge
20 questions / Vocabulary Verbs: Complete the Sentence Verbs/Nouns : Multiple Choice Fix the Mistake
25 questions / Vocabulary (Nouns) Facts about Ecuador Characters Vocabulary (Verbs) True or false
25 questions / Family Personality Food Travel and Tourism City Life
15 questions / Nouns and Pronouns Adjectives Verbs and Adverbs
25 questions / Regulares -AR verbs Regulares -ER/-IR AL imperfecto DEL imperfecto Irregulares
25 questions / classroom/tools verbs numbers and months and time expressions questions
20 questions / Subjects and Predicates Nouns and Pronouns Verbs Descriptives
25 questions / parts of speech Verbals Verbals cont. TBWD misc.