25 questions / Negotiation Vocabulary Modal Verbs Statistical Verbs Accounting Vocabulary Coffee Processing
20 questions / Definitionen Zeitformen Stammformen I Stammformen II
25 questions / -ing form GRAMMAR | active and passive HOW TO … | describe a problem and make recommendations VOCABULARY | practical abilities; abilities: phrasal verbs VOCABULARY | technology
25 questions / Date (months, weeks, time) Avoir, etre expressions Ecole expressions/words -er verbs/adjectives Greetings/numbers 8 similar games
30 questions / 6th Grade Grammar 6th Grade Writing 6th Grade Reading 1 6th Grade Reading 2 More Reading!
15 questions / Fill In The Blank Reflexive verbs "go" verbs
35 questions / Sentence Variety and Structure Effective Sentences and Word Choice The Writing Process Grammar Usage and Mechanics Parts of Speech
25 questions / Vocabulary Translation Phrasal Verbs Present Simple feat Cont 1 Present Simple feat Cont 2
50 questions / Definitions Nouns Verbs Pronouns Adjectives Adverbs Conjunctions Prepositions Interjections What is it?
25 questions / Word Groups 1 Word Groups 2 Word Groups 3 Word Groups 4 Word Groups 5
25 questions / Find all the nouns Find all the verbs Find all the adjectives Find the subject Find the predicate
25 questions / grammar attractions in mexico mexican food celebrations or traditions famous mexican art works
20 questions / Identifying Subjects Sentence Vs. Sentence Fragments Identifying Predicates/Verbs Types of Sentences and Punctuation
25 questions / Regular -ar,-er,-ir Preterite & Car/Gar/Zar Verbs Hace Time Expressions Irregular Preterite Verbs Stem-Changes In The Preterite Vocab
25 questions / Presente e Passato Prossimo Passato Prossimo e l'imperfetto Futuro Condizionale Cinema Italiano
25 questions / Facilitator Role Phrases Phrases with Small Words Collocations for Meeting Facilitation Phrases from the Video Random Vocab from Our Past Lessons
25 questions / Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of speech Parts of Speech
25 questions / Verb Tenses 1 Verb Tenses 2 Verb Tenses 3 Verb Tenses 4 Verb Tenses 5
25 questions / Passages Author's Choices Textual Evidence & Rhetoric Language Poetry
30 questions / Spanish Colors Spanish numbers Spanish Greetings Spanish Animals Spanish vocabulary Spanish Nouns/Verbs
25 questions / Nouns vs Verbs Common vs Proper Nouns Singular vs Plural Nouns Sounds/Spellings Miscellaneous
25 questions / Vocabulary Descriptive adjectives Possessive adjectives Present tense of regular -er and -ir verbs Present tense of tener and venir
25 questions / Definitionen Zeitformen Grammatische Begriffe Stammformen Diverses
25 questions / Ser, Ir, Dar, Ver -i- -uv- -u- -j-
25 questions / Food Drinks Restaurant objects Adjectives Verbs
25 questions / Subject Verb Agreement Homonyms Correct the Verb Forms Irregular Verbs Correct the Sentence
25 questions / Photosynthesis The Five Kingdoms Past Passive Verb to Be Simple Past/Present
25 questions / Traducción Questions on Gustar Conjugar A vs AN Otro vocabulario
12 questions / V. -> N. Adj. -> N. V./Adj. -> N.
20 questions / Choose the correct words to complete the sentences Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to and the verb Make complete questions with have to. Then make short answers. Complete the questions with the correct form of have to and the verbs in brackets.
20 questions / -AR Verbs -ER/-IR Verbs ir & ser (translate) dar & ver (translate)
20 questions / -AR verbs -ER / -IR verbs -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR IR A / SER