30 questions / Regular Verbs Ir, Ser, Dar & Ver Estar /tener J Verbs Stem-changing Verbs CAR GAR ZAR Verbs
25 questions / Verbs Adjectives Sports Countries Day/Month
25 questions / Vocabulary Conjugating Declining Translation Culture
20 questions / Simple Tenses Perfect Tenses irregular verbs mix
25 questions / grammatiske betegnelser på engelsk Tid/Tense Ordklasser på dansk Sammentrækning Idiomer
25 questions / Irregular Verbs Make a sentence: Present perfect Make a sentence: Past Simple Present Perfect or Past Simple? Present Perfect or Past Simple?
25 questions / Synonyms Antonyms Use It in a Sentence Commands & Directions Using Verbs as Nouns (gerunds)
25 questions / Language Apps HORROR MOVIES Fantasy MOVIES Sport
25 questions / Numbers Dates Telling time Grammar (Preterite) Mystery
25 questions / Simple Past Tense Present Progressive Tense Present Perfect Tense Irregular Verbs Past Tense Take a Chance Grammar
25 questions / Present - Regular Present stem-changing Immediate future Imperfect past tense La ropa
25 questions / Общая теория Назовите 3 формы глагола Задания Глаголы в стихах Интересные факты
24 questions / The Kitchen Sink Commas Pronouns Vocabulary Figurative Language
25 questions / present simple comparisons future vocabulary basic grammar
20 questions / Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of speech Parts of Speech
25 questions / AR Verbs ER Verbs IR Verbs Translate to English Translate to Spanish
25 questions / -ar -er -ir estar Challenge
25 questions / Action and Being Verbs Verb Tense Abstract or Concrete Nouns Pronouns Random
25 questions / Unit 13 voc. Unit 13 context Unit 13 phrasal verbs Unit 14 voc. Unit 14 context
20 questions / Put in the correct order Correct the mistake Grammar question Make a sentence Conjugate the verbs
25 questions / Date (months, weeks, time) Avoir, etre expressions Ecole expressions/words -er verbs/adjectives Greetings/numbers
13 questions / 2 verbs back to back Adjective agreement: numbers + gender Rooms of the house + stuff
25 questions / Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Conjunctions Poet X
25 questions / Idiom of the Day (Explain in English) Unit 2 Nouns Unit 2 Verbs Unit 2 word groups Unit 1 Reverse Translate
25 questions / Josh Allen Shakir Micah Hyde Football Stuff Noun, Verb, Adjective?
25 questions / Vocabulary Nouns Verbs English to Latin Gods/Goddesses
25 questions / Reading Writing Process Grammar Text Structure Figurative Language
25 questions / Regular Verbs die Uni Zahlen Wie viel Uhr ist es? Schule
25 questions / Hele ww past simple voltooid deelwoord vertaling grammar
25 questions / 5-second rule Verb tenses Conditionals Shakespeare in Love Modal verbs
70 questions / Verbs Adjectives Nouns Fruits and Vegetables Jobs Animals Random
25 questions / verb to be simple present jobs, countries family members random
25 questions / Calendar School Time ER verbs+ conjugations Activities
25 questions / irrgeular verbs1 irregular verbs2 sentences mixed irregular verbs
25 questions / Crazy Cases Vivacious Verbs Adverbs and Adjectives Contextual Cases Everything Else
25 questions / Vocab Translations Derivatives Culture Mythology
25 questions / Parts of Speech Prepositions Abbreviations Adverbs Could Be Anything
25 questions / Produce-Fruits & Vegetables International Food Cooking Verbs Food-borne Illnesses Teen trivia