25 questions / Maths ELA Science/Inventors History Bible
20 questions / General Positive Negative Interrogative
21 questions / Vocabulary Russian School Life American vs. Russian School Grammar jfjd
25 questions / Numbers Actions School objects School subjects to be\have got
25 questions / Random Topics Numbers and Amounts School More random Trivia Science
25 questions / Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Riddles Puzzles Trivia Fun
25 questions / School subjects School items Adverbs of frequency Do/Play Places in school
25 questions / Vocabulary Irregular verbs Past Simple + Past Simple - Past Simple ?
25 questions / PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM SQUARES and SQUARE ROOTS (No Calculator) FIND THE MISSING SIDE Random Maths Questions Mrs Sims' Round
25 questions / Anime General knowledge Movies Geography/History Maths
25 questions / At, in, on? Comparatives, superlatives - translate Tenses - fill in the word Questions - fill in the word Negatives - fill in the word
25 questions / Family Pets Around the House Movies Quick Maths Riddles
25 questions / So amped up Historical periods of maths Slide to the left (or right) Totally vertical Trig puns
25 questions / Simple past+ Simple past - Simple past Simple past? Simple Past
15 questions / About Mr. Váňa Guess the Person from 9.C czech republic🥶🥶🥶
25 questions / Present tense of Avoir Expressions with avoir Telling time Numbers 1-60 Expressions of time
25 questions / Anime General knowledge Cars Disney Quick Maths
25 questions / Into The Wilds Before And After Pinpointing My Big D On The Big Screen
20 questions / Original meaning Adjectives with Prepositions Verbs with Prepositions FunFacts-English
25 questions / Kangaroo story Grandma's glasses My friend Meg Holidays with grandma The perfect present
25 questions / Translate from English to Spanish Translate from Spanish to English Present Simple and Continuous Hay and Había Unit 4: At the Job Fair
17 questions / Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Czech and Literature
25 questions / Sports Food School objects School subjects Animals
25 questions / Vocabulary Pronunciation Culture Culture II Grammar
25 questions / Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 1 Grammar 2 Make a sentence
25 questions / Maths & Physics Geography History Chemistry and Biology Art
35 questions / Addition + Subtraction - RANDOM Multiplication x Division ÷ Squared and Cubed Your Maths teacher
25 questions / -ER verbs La famille Verbes irréguliers Au lycée Culture générale
25 questions / General Procedures Measurement Maths Trivia
25 questions / AVOIR 2B -er verbs Why is French weird? Days of the week Times of day
25 questions / Present Perfect Present Perfect v.s. Past Simple Comparative forms Correct the mistake to be going to/ will
25 questions / Allgemein Hans hat nen Schaden GlöbelBöbel You are my Sunshine Progress-Meme
7 questions / Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Czech and Literature
25 questions / Clothes Time Weather Surprise...Surprise Phonics