25 questions / Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Oregon Trail California Gold Rush Transcontinental Railroad
25 questions / Winter in Japan Winter in America Winter in the whole world Winter Olympics/Japanese Olympic Athletes Winter Holidays
25 questions / Biology Chemistry Physics Earth Science RANDOM
25 questions / Vocabulary Miscellaneous Make the conditional Fill in the blanks Transform the sentence
15 questions / Finish the lyrics Christmas question Santa question
45 questions / —iwi (—ly) It’s a… Who is …? you and me Requests alnitta pitta “Kwai!” alnitta pitta “chajabihlôda!” alnitta pitta "--gisgat" --gwenagat vs. --gweniwi
25 questions / Grammar Vocabulary Culture Everyday Situations Fun Trivia
25 questions / The Case of the Disappearing Sea Kazakhstan Tajikistan Turkie, Turkmenistan, and the Turks The Environment
25 questions / Zero Conditional + Zero Conditional - First Conditional + First Conditional - Zero or First
25 questions / Parts of a Volcano and Examples of Philippine Volcanoes Types of Volcanoes According to its Shape Types of Volcanic Eruptions Factors Affecting Climate Climate Change
25 questions / Science Geography Brands and Slogans Fun Facts! State College and PSU
25 questions / Twilight of the Western Roman Empire The Gothic and Vandal Kingdoms Kingdoms on the Island of Britain Eastern Roman Empire Rise of Islam
20 questions / Winter Environment How to Dress Your body in the Winter Winter Safety
25 questions / Famous Quotes #1 Famous Quotes #2 Famous Quotes #3 Famous Movies #1 Famous Movies #2
25 questions / Gr**k Gods US Civil War I Barely Know 'er' Figuratively AI
25 questions / verbs family comparative/superlatives Articles sentences
15 questions / Canadian government. High arctic. List supplies.
25 questions / Les Jours de la Semaine Les Mois Les Saisons Le Temps Toute Chose???
25 questions / Capital Cities Clothing Rain or Shine Our universe Instead of "Very"
20 questions / February winter cold chocolate Valentine's Day
16 questions / Travel vocabulary Speak Correct the mistake Millie!
19 questions / Ch 6 Lesson 1 Ch 6 Lesson 1-2 Ch 6 Lesson 2-3 Ch 6 Lesson 3
25 questions / Avoir Être Passé Composé ER Verbs (all answers are two words) Random
25 questions / Who is missing? Times of year Numbers Colors Classroom Objects
25 questions / Headings Word Meaning Text Structure Central Idea Word Meaning #2
25 questions / translations prepositions complete sentences future tenses prefixes
25 questions / Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5
25 questions / METARS/TAFS/PIREPS Station Plots ASOS and Symbols Altimetry Basics Pressure and Density Altitude
15 questions / Food/Drinks Brrrr! Holidays Fun Etc.