25 questions / Compare Whole Numbers Add/Subtract Whole Numbers Add/Subtract/Multiply Fractions Measurement and Data Decimal Numbers
25 questions / er/ir conjugation food clothes/colors numbers ar verb conjugation
25 questions / Theme Definition Find the theme Theme in Fairy Tales Main Idea Reading Vocabulary
25 questions / Summer Foods Summer Vacations Summer Clothes Summer Boredom Classic Kids Movies
25 questions / Indigenous Communities Indigenous Communities Structures Settlers Settlers
25 questions / Er/Ir Conjugation Food Clothes/Colors Big Numbers Ar verbs Conjugation
25 questions / cars.. engines.. math luxury brands fragrances
25 questions / Objects 1 Objects 2 Objects 3 Objects 4 Objects 5
25 questions / Clothes & Colors Family Pets What time is it? Prepositions
25 questions / Culture Famous People Grammar & Signs Sports & Activities Fun Facts
25 questions / Complete the sentence Complete the sentence Complete the sentence Complete the sentence Complete the sentence
25 questions / It's the Structure It's the Sound It's the Language "The Darkness" "Oranges"
25 questions / Er/Ir Conjugation Food Clothes and Colors Big Numbers Ar verbs Conjugation
25 questions / er/ir conjugation Food clothes and colors big numbers ar verbs conjugations
25 questions / Er/Ir conjugation Food Clothes and Colors Big Numbers Ar Verbs Conjugation
25 questions / Er/Ir conjugation Food Clothes and colors Big Numbers Ar verbs conjugation
25 questions / Er/Ir conjugation Food Clothes and colors Big numbers Ar verbs conjugations
25 questions / Food Clothes and Colors Large Numbers Ar Verb Conjugation Er/Ir Conjugation
25 questions / Er/Ir Conjugation Food Clothes and Colors Big Numbers Ar Verbs Conjugation
21 questions / Junior The Parents Space and Flying Travel Work
25 questions / Multi-digit Multiplication Add & Subtract Decimals Multiply & Divide Decimals Add & Subtract Fractions Multiply & Divide Fractions
25 questions / Science Math Animals Miss Taylor Random Trivia
8 questions / Colors seasons clothes body parts Days of the week
15 questions / Rhetorical Dvices Plot Analysis Context Clues
25 questions / Kids Laundry Cooking Cleaning Family
25 questions / Animals Family Facts Clothes/Appearance Parameters
25 questions / School Technology Grammar Inventors Materials
25 questions / Song Lyrics History Movies Candy Pop Culture
12 questions / Jobs- Easy Jobs- kinda easy Jobs- HARD!
25 questions / Women in the Genesis Bad Girls of the Bible Good Girls of the Bible Mothers of the Bible Women of the Bible
30 questions / Summer Food Summer Travel Summer Fun Summer Random Category Summer Clothes Summer Jokes
25 questions / Imperfect (formation) Preterite (formation) Preterite vs. Imperfect Reflexive in the PRESENT VOCAB 4,5,6
25 questions / Memes Pop Culture Slang Aesthetics Media References
25 questions / Physical Self Care Emotional Self Care Self Care Myths Relationship Self Care Bonus
25 questions / TikTok Famous People Music/Singers Apps/Video Games TV
25 questions / Grammar Vocabulary Time, dates and numbers Adjectives Surprise
25 questions / Jobs Places in Town Clothes Verbs Family Members