50 questions / 8 Grade Math 8 Grade Science 8 Grade Social Studies Slang Technology
25 questions / Characters Plot Structure Irony Vocabulary Miscellaneous
30 questions / Triggers & Cravings Coping Skills Support Systems Healthy Habits Warning Signs of Relapse Motivation & Recovery
25 questions / Digital Citizenship Cyberbullying Social and Cultural Challenges when Using Digital Tools Ethical and Safe Use of Digital Tools Miscellaneous
5 questions / Behavior & Professionalism Attendance & Call-Outs
25 questions / Research Methods Biological Basis of Behavior Cognition Learning and Development Social Psych
25 questions / Celebrities names beginning with the letter S Movies Sports Social Media Music
17 questions / Social hierarchy The citizentry The Ancien Regime The phases The Moderate Phase
25 questions / Passwortsicherheit Phishing & Social Engineering IT-Sicherheitsrichtlinien Malware & Bedrohungen Sicheres Arbeiten im Homeoffice
15 questions / Revolution Background Important figures Nationalistic Moves Reform and Order Social Shake-ups
25 questions / Epidemiology Basics Study Designs Measures & Rates Bias & Confounding Social Determinants of Health
25 questions / Progressive Era NAWSA Key Reformers Social/Political Impacts US History Government/Politics
25 questions / Social Media Tech and Gaming Emoji Combinations Trendy Terms & Phrases Everyday Expressions
25 questions / 🚘 Motori 🍿 Film/Serie tv 📲 Social 🇮🇹 Italia 🤷♀️ Personaggi
20 questions / Before Reading During Reading After Reading Other Reading Skills
30 questions / Nursing Math Nursing Abbreviations Nursing Equipment Nursing Pharmacology Labs Nursing Assessments
25 questions / Health Literacy Access to credible and reliable information Interpersonal Communications Decision Making Vocabularyry
15 questions / The War of 1812 Andrew Jackson Foreign Policy
15 questions / How Do Families Remember Their Past? (2.1) Why Do People Move? (2.2) How Can We Best Describe California? (2.4) How Does Government Work? (2.3) What Makes Someone Heroic? (2.5)
25 questions / Business & Economic Development Municipal Government Building Permits & Active Construction Downtown Beautification & Bullion Promenade Sustainability
24 questions / Tariffs and Trade Trade Agreements NATO 5 Social Studies Health Both Grades
13 questions / Misc. Politicians Treaties Vocab
25 questions / What's the Problem? Find the Fix! Z sound Master S Sound Star The Mix-Up!
25 questions / What is techniques ? What is Scales? What is note value? What is music symbols? What is miscellaneous?
25 questions / History Space! Cuisine Acronyms Inventions
30 questions / First Nations and Inuit Why do People Move? Changing Immigration Patterns Debate over Immigration and Refugees Changing Migration Destinations within Canada Emigration
5 questions / Derecho Individual del Trabajo Derecho Colectivo del Trabajo Derecho de la Seguridad Social CLASIFICACIÓN DE CONTRATOS DERECHOS LABORALES
20 questions / Changing Ideals of Womanhood Women's Expanding Roles Literary & Historical References Quotes & Interpretation
16 questions / People The Muslim Brotherhood People again Women History
25 questions / A&O Industriales EPP Acuerdos Presentaciones Proyectos
25 questions / Boundaries Friendships Self Bullying Mental Health
25 questions / Mesopotamia India China Egypt Random
25 questions / Do you think it’s VOCAB VOCABULARY MIXED Even more…VOCABULARY You guessed it… VOCABULARY
15 questions / Notable Black Canadians About BHM DEI at BDO
25 questions / Geography Native Americans Revolutionary and Civil Wars WWI and WW2 Government
25 questions / Experiments Surveys Interviews Case Studies Thinking Critically
25 questions / Ayutthaya 1 Ayutthaya 2 Ayutthaya 3 Geography 1 Geography 2
25 questions / Acadia Seven Years' War Wars Between Britain and USA Immigration Important Documents
25 questions / Insta Captions Insta Bios General Knowledge Airport Codes Coach who? Said What??
25 questions / Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Part 2 The fertile Crescent Civilizations/Societies Vocabulary
23 questions / Name the state Name the Capital History & Environment Important people & places Economy & Culture
25 questions / Miscelánea Historia 1 Historia 2 Civismo Geografía
25 questions / Key Leaders Constitutions and Acts Conflicts and Wars Key Terms Loyalists and Patriots
25 questions / Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Applications & Limits of Conditioning Social Learning Toss Up