25 questions / Feelings 1 Feelings 2 Feelings 3 Feelings 4 Feelings 5 1 similar game
25 questions / Pleasant Feelings Big Feelings Difficult Feelings Wild Card Neutral Vibes
25 questions / Identifying Emotions Emotional Intelligence Body Cues Coping Skills More Emotions... 3 similar games
25 questions / Name That Feeling Think It or Say It True or False Scenarios Which coping skills should I use?
15 questions / Feelings and Emotions Feelings and Emotions Grammar 2
15 questions / Feelings Family Definitions
25 questions / Emotional Reactions Emotional Intelligence Identifying Emotions Coping Skills More Emotions...
20 questions / Feelings How would you feel if... Reading others' feelings Supportive comments 3 similar games
20 questions / Feelings 1 Feelings 2 Feelings 3 Feelings 4
20 questions / Positive feelings Positive fill in the blank Negative feelings Translate that sentence
25 questions / How would you feel if...? Strong adjectives Idioms Find a suitable adjective How do they feel?
25 questions / Feelings 1 Feelings 2 Feelings 3 Feelings 4 Feelings 5
25 questions / Vocabulary True/False Which emotion is this? How to deal with emotions? What can cause... 1 similar game
25 questions / The Triangle Automatic Thoughts Core Beliefs Fact or Opinion The "What are you thinking" Team (Thinking mistakes)
25 questions / mučičtup haʔum feelings anything Christmas
25 questions / characters Setting events story feelings
25 questions / Feelings Responses Weather Vocabulary Practice
25 questions / Strategies Feelings Actions Thoughts Mindset
25 questions / Mindfulness Feelings JEDI Equity SEL
25 questions / Clothes Descriptors Animals Greetings Feelings
25 questions / vocabulary grammar idioms pronunciation feelings
20 questions / CBT Model Thoughts Feelings Behavior
20 questions / Characters setting feelings special details
25 questions / What is empathy? Feelings How would you feel if... Reading others' feelings Supportive comments
25 questions / Feelings Facial Expressions Body Language True/False Coping Skills 2 similar games
25 questions / math geography jobs ADLs feelings/manners