25 questions / Imperfect AR Endings Imperfect ER/IR Endings Irregular Trigger words, pt 1 Trigger words, pt 2
20 questions / Translate! Declension/Conjugation Deponents Derivatives
20 questions / Articles and Commas Adjectives More Adjectives Adverbs
25 questions / Adjectives Nouns Verbs Ideas Miscellaneous
25 questions / Verbs Nouns Adjectives Antonyms Synonyms
25 questions / Vocabulary Vocabulary Yo Verbs Puerto Rico Vocabulary
25 questions / Art Verbs Multiplication Division Ishi
25 questions / Vocabulary Cases Verbs Culture Derivatives
25 questions / Nouns Verbs Adjectives Pronouns Adverb
25 questions / hacer / to make / to do tener / to have poder / to be able / can decir / to say or tell IR / to go
25 questions / Modal Verbs and Phrases & Passives Collocations: job searching Verb-noun collocations Words related with work culture Understanding by paraphrasing and summarising
20 questions / Second grade fun Second grade Reading Second grade grammer Second grade writing
25 questions / Find the irregular verb Find the regular verb Say a sentence with the past tense of... and pronounce the "-ed" correctly. Say a sentence with the past tense of... Past simple
25 questions / Passive voice Used to/didn't used to Vocabulary Nouns from Verbs Verbs from nouns
25 questions / Conjugating Regular Verbs Fill In The Blank Conjugating Irregular Verbs Verb translations French slang
23 questions / Choose the correct option Passive Reporting Verbs Superstitions, customs and beliefs Communication verbs Definitions
15 questions / Phrasal Verbs 1 Voc. about money 1 Phrasal Verbs 2 Voc. about money 2
25 questions / Statements (say and tell) Questions Commands, requests, advice Reporting verbs (rules) Reporting verbs (rephrasing)
24 questions / Transitive/Intransitive Irregular Verbs Linking Verb Verb Forms Verb Phrases
20 questions / Buying and selling Modal verbs in present Money and Banks Modal verbs in past
25 questions / Regular verbs Irregular verbs Sentence creation Fill in the blank Questions about the past
25 questions / Shoe verbs: Stem-changers Defining Infinitives Ser y estar Irregular Yo Forms Irregular Verbs
25 questions / Present, Past, Future Subject/ Verb Agreement Helping verbs/ perfect tenses Irregular Verbs Prefixes/ suffixes
25 questions / Grade 5 Math Grade 5 Science Grade 5 Writing Grade 5 Random Grade 5 Disney
25 questions / Geography English History Celebrity Sport
15 questions / Name that Adjective Comparative and Superlative form Complete the sentence
25 questions / Past Progressive Present Progressive Future Progressive Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2
25 questions / Adjectives Gerunds/ infinitives Second conditional Modifiers and comparatives Film Vocabulary
21 questions / Fashion Food Literature/ Language Festival Fun Facts :)
20 questions / Guess the Animal 🦜 Present Perfect 🤔 Simple Past ⏳ Past Participle 🔄
10 questions / Sports Possessive adjectives and object pronouns
25 questions / Pretérito Vocabulary Preposiciones y pronombres ¿Qué o Cuál(es)? Verbs that change meaning in preterite
30 questions / Math History English Science Geography Random
25 questions / Days, Months and Seasons School life and subjects Jobs Animals' world Grammar