25 questions / Bacterial Transport Eukaryotic Parts Yeasts Molds and Protista Viruses
25 questions / People and History The Kingdoms Cells and Organisms Terms and Definitions 1 Terms and Definitions 2
25 questions / General Question Bacteria Microbial Control & Asepsis Definitions General Questions 2
25 questions / Bacterial Structures Bacterial Growth Bacterial Genetics Microbial Metabolism Physical Control 1 similar game
25 questions / Microbes & History Cell Biochemistry Prokaryotic cells Bacterial Growth Mixed Bag
25 questions / Antimicrobial Drugs Innate Immunity Adaptive Immunity Viruses and Prions Important People
25 questions / Key Terms Modes of Transmission Types of Microorganisms What am I (bacteria, fungi, virus, or protozoa) Cause and Effect
25 questions / Microbiology Definitions History of Microbiology Classification and naming of microorganisms Common arrangements of Bacteria Cells Bacteria
25 questions / Protozoa Metazoans Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Bacteria
25 questions / Nutrient Deficiencies Common Names Neglected tropical diseases Name that Genus Scientists
25 questions / Notable Persons Simple single celled plants Like the Common Cold Diseases of the Bloody kind AIDS
25 questions / Vocabulary Pathogens Viruses/Bacteria Fungus/Parasite Biotechnology
25 questions / Viruses Pathogens Bacteria Growing Bacteria Bacteria Tests
25 questions / Classification Testing Growth Phase/ Fungi AST Miscellaneous
25 questions / Infectious disease Physiology Genetics Ecology History
25 questions / table 3 (Blank) table 1 table 2 miscellaneous
25 questions / Scientific Method Microbiology Lab Day 1 Microbiology Lab Day 2 Microbiology Lab Day 4 Experiments
25 questions / immunology history of microbiology general microbiology secret category bacteriology
25 questions / Microorganisms In Our Lives History Of Microbiology Naming, Classification, And Structure Of Bacteria Gram-Positive/Negative Organisms Viruses
25 questions / Where's Tide-to-go when you need it I can't see it I thought this was a biology class We all come in different shapes and sizes Lagniappe
24 questions / Intro Viruses Significant Viruses Parasites Wound Healing WildCard
25 questions / Bacteria Growth of Bacteria Bacteria Types Viruses Miscellaneous
25 questions / Fungal Review Bacterial Review Bacterial Overview Bacterial Anatomy Acronyms
25 questions / Infection Control/Aseptic Technique Tissue Handling Wound Healing Microbiology Microorganisms
25 questions / Safety Medias Bacteria ID Culture and Sensitivity POT
25 questions / Helminths Protozoa RNA Viruses DNA Viruses Potpourri
25 questions / Chapter 1 Micro Intro Prokaryotes Gm+ or Gm- Protozoa 1 similar game
25 questions / Disease Peventing infection Type of organisms Definitions Random
25 questions / Exanthematous diseases Uro-genital tract STDs Antibiotics General
25 questions / Virus Cells Fungi Infectious Disease Symbiosis
25 questions / Classification of Microorganisms Shapes of bacteria Gram Stains Hemolytic reactions Infectious Diseases
25 questions / Bacteriology Bloodborne Pathogens Hepatitis HIV/AIDS Parasites
25 questions / Food preservation Viruses Bacteria Parasites Famous scientists
25 questions / Parasites Pandemic illnesses Viruses and bacteria Food microbiology Scientists
25 questions / Precautions Diseases Parasites Identification All's fair game
25 questions / Types of viruses Types of eukaryotes Fungi Diseases Did you read the slides closely?