25 questions / People in psychology anatomy experimental designs mental disorders perspectives and theories of psychology
30 questions / Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Appeals Rhetorical Devices Text Structures Text Features Miscellaneous
20 questions / Blockchain 101 Ethereum Decentralized IDs Security
25 questions / Morals Freedoms Communication Ethics Diversity
25 questions / Definition Definition 2 Name that fallacy! Name that fallacy... again! Argument 1 similar game
25 questions / Language Design and Abstraction Python Programming C Programming Concepts Memory Management Scope and Variable Semantics
12 questions / String Theory Lists and Dicts Lambda Logic Python Math
25 questions / Movie Posters Movie Reviews Print Ads Audience Purpose
25 questions / Language Distractions Induction Definitions Real Test Questions
15 questions / Text Types Authors Purpose Analyzing key ideas in a text
25 questions / Python Programming Pandas Lists Miscellaneous
35 questions / Geography Logic Anatomy Fantasy Quantum Physics and Relativity
21 questions / Terms in general Rhetorical situation Kinds of Evidence Rhetorical Appeal Rhetorical choices/devices
25 questions / Writing Process Genres Rhetorical Situation Rhetorical Appeals Miscellaneous
15 questions / Countries + Abortion = ? Knowledge of the unit Bonus: Logic questions
25 questions / Language Features Persuasive Techniques Text Structures Analysing Visual Texts Writing Skills
25 questions / The Essay Persuasive Appeals Persuasive Strategies Parallel Structure Active/Passive Voice
25 questions / The Central Nervous System. The Central Nervous System 2. Peripheral Nervous System. Cranial Nerves. Muscles
25 questions / Reading Literature Informational Text Writing Speaking and Listening Language
30 questions / Charged Language Ethos Pathos Logos Repetition Grammer
25 questions / Logic Geography History Math Pop culture
25 questions / Antigone Ethos, Pathos, Logos Argumentative Writing Informative Writing Poetry Concepts
19 questions / Definitions Signs of Dementia Parts of the brain in affection with a specific Disease True or False
25 questions / Baby easy mode Common knowledge teletubbies No. Why????
25 questions / Rhetoric Rhetoric 2 Visual Rhetoric MLA & Research Professor Malik & Misc
25 questions / Power vs Leadership Sources of Power Power Tactics Organizational Politics NFL
25 questions / Songs Movies Anime & Manga TV Shows Video Games
25 questions / Sound Waves Definitions Computers Recording
25 questions / Legislative process/ rulemaking Policy design and implementation Policy evaluation Quantity and quality of healthcare Other topics (racism, age-friendly, social determinants)
25 questions / childhood favorites family related high school stories miscellaneous
25 questions / Rhetoric: The Basics Types of Sentences & Punctuation Logical Fallacies Rhetorical Devices Rhetorical Appeals
25 questions / Context Clues Morphology Rhetoric Informational Texts Fiction & Poetry
25 questions / Vocabulary History Grab Bag Africa and Ruined Hosseini Novels English Skills
9 questions / GERUNDS Counterarguments & Rebuttals Rhetoric
25 questions / History of Vulnerabilities SAP Tech History Technology Dave?
25 questions / lecture 4: textboxes and scenes lecture 5: buttons and time lecture 6: persistent data and high scores (johnathan) sprites and animations probability and accessibility
20 questions / Key Terms Greek Culture/General History Athens/Sparta Potpourri
25 questions / Sales Force Vocab Salesforce Eco-system Navigation Data Model Reports and Dashboards
25 questions / Grammar Correction Logic and Fallacies Research and Formatting The Writing Process Miscellaneous
25 questions / Creational Patterns Structural Patterns Behavioral Patterns Pattern Pitfalls Code Snippets
15 questions / Life of Pi Moral Logic Of Survival Guilt The Cost of Survival
25 questions / Congrats, you came to class! MWA 1 MWA 2 Miscellaneous Boulder Trivia